Write a PL/SQL Program to hike the i.Employee salary as 35% if employee having a salary. ii.If employee not having a salary rise the user exception and give the salary 3000.

Write a PL/SQL Program to hike the
  i.Employee salary as 35% if employee having a salary.
  ii.If employee not having a salary rise the user exception and give the salary 3000.

                  Salary_missing EXCEPTION;
                  i emp%rowtype;
                  SELECT ename,sal into i.ename, i.sal
                  FROM emp
                  WHERE empno=i.empno;                      
                  IF i.sal IS NULL THEN
                           RAISE salary_missing;
                           UPDATE emp SET sal=i.sal
                           WHERE empno=i.empno;
                           display(‘The emp det are ‘||i.ename||’ ‘||i.sal);
                  END IF;
                           WHEN no_data_found THEN
                           display(i.empno||’ is not exists’);
                           display(SQLCODE||’ ‘||SQLERRM);
                           WHEN salary_missing THEN
                           display(‘The emp is not having any salary so give salary as 3000’);
                           UPDATE emp SET sal=i.sal
                           WHERE empno=i.empno;
                           display(SQLCODE||’ ‘||SQLERRM);
                           WHEN others then
                           display(‘The SUHE’);

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Donec non enim in turpis pulvinar facilisis. Ut felis. Praesent dapibus, neque id cursus faucibus. Aenean fermentum, eget tincidunt.


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