Program for Increment And Decrement Operators.

03 Java Operators.
Program for Increment And Decrement Operators:
++ : is called as increment operator because it increaments variable value by 1.
--   : is called as increment operator because it decreses variable value by 1.
we use these operators either before or after variable.
Prefix increment/ decrement operators
If we use these operators before variable, they are called prefix operators.

Postfix increment/ decrement operators
If we use these operators after variable, they are called postfix operators.

If use them as prefix operators, JVM first increaments / decrements its value then JVM uses the current value in the expression.

If use them as postfix operators, JVM first uses the current value then it increaments / decrements that variable value.

class IncrementAndDecrementOperators
            public static void main(String[] args)
                         int a = 10;

                         int b = 20;

                         ++b ;


Note: we cannot observe the difference in prefix and postfix operators if we donot use the value at the same statement or line.
check the below code, you can find the difference in both operators

                         int x = 30;



                         int y = 40;



                         int z = 5;
                         System.out.println(z++ + ++z + --z + z-- + z - z-- +z);




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Donec non enim in turpis pulvinar facilisis. Ut felis. Praesent dapibus, neque id cursus faucibus. Aenean fermentum, eget tincidunt.


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