Trapping Non-Predefined oracle server errors

Trapping Non-Predefined oracle server errors:
  • We can associate a named exception with a particular oracle error.
  • The Non-predefined oracle server error is trapped by declaring it first or by using the OTHERS exception handle.
  • The declare EXCEPTION is  RAISED implicitly by the oracle server.
  • The PL/SQL PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT() can be used for associating EXCEPTION name with an oracle error number.
  • The PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INTI() tells the PL/SQL engine completely to associate an EXCEPTION name with an oracle error number.
  • The PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT() allows programmer to refer to any internal EXCEPTION by the name and associate that to specific handles.
  • Pragma is a directive of compiler which tells compiler to associate error no with user declared exception at compile time.
         1.Declare Exception.
         2.Associate Exception with Oracle error No.
Using Pragma
         3.Handle the raised exception.
  • Exeption_name is the name of an exception declare prior to the pragma.
  • Oracle_error_number is the desied error code to be associate with this named exception.
                  Pk_vio EXCEPTION;
                  PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(pk_vio,-00001);
                  Insert into emp(empno,ename,sal,deptno)
                  when pk_vio then
                  dbms_output.put_line(‘Duplicate empno is not allowed here’);

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