Executing statements and PL/SQL blocks from SQL*Plus

Executing statements and PL/SQL blocks from SQL*Plus:
  • Place a semicolon(;) at the end of the SQL statement or PL/SQL control statement.
  • Use a Forward slash(/) to run the Anonymous PL/SQL block in SQL*plus buffer.
  • Place a period(.) to close a SQL*Plus Buffer without running the PL/SQL program.
  • A PL/SQL block is treated as one continuous statement in the SQL*Plus buffer.
  • Semicolon within the PL/SQL block does not closes or Runs the SQL Buffer.
  • In PL/SQL an Error is called as an Exception.
  • Sections keywords "DECLARE","BEGIN", and "EXCEPTION" should not contain A semicolon.
  • "END" and all other PL/SQL statements should be applied with a semicolon at the END.


  • Declaration part of PL/SQL block is optional, but the body of the PL/SQL is must. (The area between begin and end is called as body of the PL/SQL block.).
  • Every PL/SQL block is terminated by END statement followed by a semicolon.
  • PL/SQL is not a data formatting language.
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