A Distributed Protocol to Serve Dynamic Groups for Peer-to-Peer Streaming.


A Distributed Protocol to Serve Dynamic Groups for Peer-to-Peer Streaming

Peer-to-peer (P2P) streaming has been widely deployed over the Internet. A streaming system usually has multiple channels, and peers may form multiple groups for content distribution. In this paper, we propose a distributed overlay framework (called SMesh) for dynamic groups where users may frequently hop from one group to another while the total pool of users remain stable. SMesh first builds a relatively stable mesh consisting of all hosts for control messaging. The mesh supports dynamic host joining and leaving, and will guide the construction of delivery trees. Using the Delaunay Triangulation (DT) protocol as an example, we show how to construct an efficient mesh with low maintenance cost. We further study various tree construction mechanisms based on the mesh, including embedded, bypass, and intermediate trees. Through simulations on Internet-like topologies, we show that SMesh achieves low delay and low link stress.
Algorithm Used:
Aggregation and delegation algorithm, Delaunay Triangulation
(DT) Protocol.
Existing System:
P2P overlay network, hosts are responsible for packets replication and forwarding. A P2P network only uses unicast and does not need multicast capable routers. It is, hence, more deployable and flexible. Currently, there are two types of overlays for P2P streaming: tree structure and gossip mesh. The first one builds one or multiple overlay tree(s) to distribute data among hosts. Examples include application-layer multicast protocols.

The existing networking infrastructure are multicast capable. Emerging commercial video transport and distribution networks heavily make use of IP multicasting. However, there are many operational issues that limit the use of IP multicasting into individual autonomous networks. Furthermore, only trusted hosts are allowed to be multicast sources. Thus, while it is highly efficient, IP multicasting is still not an option for P2P streaming at the user level.

Proposed System:
In the Proposed   applications, as peers may dynamically hop from one group to another, it becomes an important issue to efficiently deliver specific contents to peers. One obvious approach is to broadcast all contents to all hosts and let them select the contents. Clearly, this is not efficient in terms of bandwidth and end-to-end delay, especially for unpopular channels. Maintaining a separate and distinct delivery overlay for each channel appears to be another solution. However, this approach introduces high control overhead to maintain multiple dynamic overlays. When users frequently hop from one channel to another, overlay reformation becomes costly and may lead to high packet loss

In this paper, we consider building a data delivery tree for each group. To reduce tree construction and maintenance costs, we build a single shared overlay mesh. The mesh is formed by all peers in the system and is, hence, independent of joining and leaving events in any group. This relatively stable mesh is used for control messaging and guiding the construction of overlay trees. With the help of the mesh, trees can be efficiently constructed with no need of loop detection and elimination. Since an overlay tree serves only a subset of peers in the network, we term this framework Subset-Mesh, or SMesh.

1.    Peer to Peer Network Module.
2.    Distributed partition detection Module.
    3 .Dynamic Joining Host Module.
    4  . Path Aggregation for QoS Provisioning Module.

System Specifications:
Hardware Requirements:

SYSTEM                      : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz
HARD DISK                : 40 GB
FLOPPY DRIVE         : 1.44 MB
MONITOR                   : 15 VGA colour
MOUSE                        : Logitech.
RAM                             : 256 MB
KEYBOARD                : 110 keys enhanced.

Software Requirements:
Operating system         : Windows XP Professional
Front End                     : Java Technology
Tool                              : Eclipse 3.3

About the author

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