Band width Recycling in IEEE 802.16 Networks


Band width Recycling in IEEE 802.16 Networks
(Domain Mobile Computing…year 2010)

IEEE 802.16 standard was designed to support the bandwidth demanding applications with quality of  service (QoS). Bandwidth is reserved for each application to ensure the QoS.For variable bit rate (VBR) applications, however, it is difficult for the subscriber stations (SSs) to predict the amount of incoming data. To ensure the QoS guaranteed services, the SS may reserve bandwidth more than the amount of its transmitting dataAs a result, the reserved bandwidth may not be fully utilized all the time.we propose a scheme, named Bandwidth Recycling, to recycle the unused bandwidth without changing the existing bandwidth reservation.The idea of our scheme is to allow other SSs to utilize the unused bandwidth when it is availableThus, not only the same QoS guaranteed services can be provided but also the system throughput can be improved.

Existing System:
Important part in bringing out the network services lies in existing technology. Routing and switching are the main methods of delivering the data through the network. Both have their disadvantages and benefits and there are many variations of them applying in different ways to different situations. Another big issue is the resource handling with QoS. In IP world, there are a few proposals to resource handling problems and besides that there are a few technologies providing different approaches to QoS problems. These include for instance ATM and Gigabit Ethernet.

Proposed System:
Bandwidth reservation allows IEEE 802.16 networks to provide QoS guaranteed services. The SS reserves the required bandwidth before any data transmissions. Due to the nature of VBR applications, it is very difficult for
the SS to make the optimal bandwidth reservation. It is possible that the amount of reserved bandwidth is more than the demand. Therefore, the reserved bandwidth cannot be fully utilized. Although the reserved bandwidth can be adjusted via BRs, however, the updated reserved bandwidth is applied as early as to the next coming frame and there is no way to utilize the unused bandwidth in the current frame. In our scheme, the
SS releases its unused bandwidth in the current frame and another SS pre-assigned by the BS has opportunities to utilize this unused bandwidth. This

improvesthe bandwidth utilization. Moreover, since the existing bandwidth reservation is not changed, the same QoS guaranteed services are provided without introducing any extra delay.


  • Bandwidth utilization Module
  • Packet creation Module:
  • Bandwidth recycling Module
  • QoS guaranteed services Module
  • Traffic and Packet Performance

Hardware Requirements:
PROCESSOR          :  PENTIUM IV 2.6 GHz
RAM                       :       512 MB DD RAM
MONITOR              :       15” COLOR
HARD DISK           :      20 GB
FLOPPY DRIVE     :      1.44 MB
CDDRIVE               :      LG 52X
KEYBOARD           :     STANDARD 102 KEYS
MOUSE                   :     3 BUTTONS.

 Software Requirements:
Front End                :  Java, Swing.
Back End                :  MS Access.
Tools Used              :  Eclipse 3.3.
Operating System   :  WindowsXP/7.

About the author

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