Block Structure approach

Block Structure approach:
  • The basic units that make up a PL/SQL program are logical blocks.
  • The block in PL/SQL can be nested with one another.
  • A block groups related declarations and statements into one single unit.
The basic parts of a PL/SQL block are:
  1. Declarative part (optional).
  2. Executable part (Mandatory).
  3. Exception handling (Optional).

1.Declarative part:It is used to define user defined types, variables which can be used, in the executable part for further manipulations. 

2.Executable part:
All  procedural statements are included between the BEGIN and END statement.
It must have one executable statement.

3.Exception Handling part:
Error that occur during execution are dealt in the exception handling part.


  • A PL/SQL program is a logical block, which contain any number of nested sub blocks.
  • Block can be nested in the executable and exception handling parts of a PL/SQL block, or a sub program.
  • A PL/SQL is marked with either a "DECLARE" or "BEGIN" keyword and ends with the keyword "END".
  • Only BEGIN and END keywords are mandatory.
  • A semicolon(;) has to be placed after the "END" keyword.

Block syntax:
    [Variable declarations;
    Cursor declaration;
    User_defined exception;]
          <SQL statements;>
          PL/SQL statement
          Action to perform when errors occurs.
  • Only executable section is required.
  • The declarative and exception handling section are optional.
  • We can define local sub programs in the declarative part of any block.
  • However, we can call local subprograms only from the block in which they are define.
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