Types of Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
Types of Java Virtual Machine (JVM):
The java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, contains two implementations of the Java Virtual Machines.
1. Java HotSpot Client VM.
2. Java HotSpot Server VM.
1.Java HotSpot Client VM:
2. Java HotSpot Server VM:
The java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, contains two implementations of the Java Virtual Machines.
1. Java HotSpot Client VM.
2. Java HotSpot Server VM.
1.Java HotSpot Client VM:
The Java HotSpot Client VM is the default virtual machine of the Java 2 SDK and Java 2 Runtime Environment. As its name implies, it is tuned for best performance when running applications in a client environment by reducing application start-up time and memory footprint.
2. Java HotSpot Server VM:
The Java HotSpot Server VM is designed for maximum program execution speed for applications running in a server environment. The Java HotSpot Server VM is invoked by using the –server command-line option when launching an application, as in Java –server MyApp.