Subprograms in PL/SQL.

Subprograms in PL/SQL:
Subprograms are used to provide modularity and encapsulate a sequence of statements.
  • Once subprograms are built and validated, they can be used in a number of applications.
  • Subprogram also provide abstraction.
  • Subprograms are named PL/SQL blocks that can accepts parameters.
  • A Subprogram can also have a declarative part, an executable part and an exception handling part.
Important features of subprogram:
  • Subprograms allow us to break a program into manageable, well-defined logical codules.
  • Subprograms once executed can be used in any number of application.
  • Subprograms can simplify maintenance, because if a subprogram is affected, only its definition changes.

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