The UML is a Language.

The UML is a Language:
  • A modeling language is a language whose vocabulary and rules focus on the conceptual and physical representation of a system
The UML is a Language for Visualizing:
  • Some programmers think of an implementation and then code it. Some programmers think mentally i.e. they even sketch out a few ideas on a paper. That means some things are best modeled textually, others are best modeled graphically. The UML is such a graphical language.
The UML is a Language for Specifying:
  • Specifying means building models.  It specifies of  all the important analysis, design, and implementation decisions that must be made in developing a software project.
The UML is a Language for constructing:
  • The UML is not a visual programming language, but its models can be directly connected to a variety of a programming language. 
  • This means that it is possible to map from a model in the UML to a programming language such as Java, C++.
The UML is a Language for Documenting:
  • A Healthy software organization produces all sorts of artifacts in addition to raw executable code. These artifacts include
    4.Source code.
    5.Project plans.

  • The UML addresses the documentation of a system’s architecture and all of its detail.

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