Behavioral Diagrams.

Behavioral Diagrams:
These can be classified into 5 types: 
     i. Use case diagrams. 
    ii. Sequence diagram.
   iii. Collaboration diagram.
    iv. State Chart Diagram. 
     v. Activity Diagram.
i. Use case Diagram:
  • Use case diagram is created to visualize the interaction of our system with the outside world. 
  • The components of use case diagram are:
Use Case: Scenarios of the system.
Actor: Someone or something who is interacting with the system.
Relationship: Semantic link between use case and actor. 
The forms of relationship are: 
     a. Association.
     b. Dependency.
     c. Generalization.

2. Interaction Diagram:
  • An interaction diagram models the dynamic aspects of the system by showing the relationship among the objects and messages they may dispatch.  
  • There are two types of interaction diagrams:

ii. Sequence Diagram:
Sequence diagram shows the step to step what mush happen to accomplish a piece of functionality provided by the system. The components are:

      a) Actor.
      b) Object.
      c) Messages.
      d) Lifeline. 
      e) Focus of Control.

iii. Collaboration Diagram:
  • Collaboration diagram displays object interactions organized around objects and their links to one another.  
  • The components are:
      a) Actor.
      b) Object.
      c) Link.

iv. State chart Diagram:
  • State chart diagram show a life cycle of a single class. The state is a condition where the object may be in.  
  • The components are:
      a) Start state.
      b) End state.
      c) State.
      d) Transition.

v. Activity Diagram:
  • Activity diagram shows the flow of events within our system.  
  • The components are:
     a) Start State.
     b) End State. 
     c) Transition.
     d) Decision Box.
     e) Synchronization Bar.
     f) Swim Lane.

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