Structural Diagrams.

Structural Diagrams:
These can be divided into 4 types:
     i. Class Diagram. 
    ii. Object Diagram. 
   iii. Component Diagram. 
    iv. Deployment Diagram.

i. Class Diagram:
  • Class diagram shows structure of the software system. 
  • The class diagram shows a set of classes, interfaces and their relationships. 
The components are: 
The forms of relationship are:
      1. Association.
      2. Aggregation.
      3. Generalization.
      4. Composition. 
      5. Dependency.

ii. Component Diagram:

  • Component is a smallest individual physical replaceable part of the system. 
  • Component diagram shows the organization and dependencies among software components. 
The components present are:
      a) Component. 
          a. Runtime component(.dll).
          b. Software components(.h). 
          c. Executable components(.exe).
      b) Dependency.
      c) Interface.

iii. Object Diagram:

  • Object diagram shows objects and links among objects. 
The components are:
      a) Object.
      b) Link.
  • The object diagram cannot be model in rational rose.
iv. Deployment Diagram
  • Deployment diagram visualizes distribution of components across the enterprise.

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