How cursor will work.

How cursor will work:
  • The life cycle of the explicit cursor goes through four stages.
  2. OPEN
  3. FETCH
  4. CLOSE

  • The CURSOR is declared in the declarative block and is provided with a name and a SELECT statement.
  • CURSOR <cursor name> is select _statement.
  • Note: In <select statement> include most of the usual clauses, except INTO clause.(if use It there is no use).
  • The cursor name can be any valid identifier.
  • Any SELECT statements are legal, including joins and statements with the SET OPERATORS.
  • Illustration
    vsal number:=2000;
    cursor c1 is
    select sal into vsal
    from emp
    where empno=7902;
    display(‘The vsal val is’||vsal);

Opening  a Cursor
OPEN cursor_name;
  • The opening of cursor executes the query and retrieves the information from the database and dumps it into the context area to from active set.
  • Cursor can be opend only in the EXECUTION OR EXCEPTION section of the PL/SQL block.
  • The active set pointer is set to the first row.
  • Once a cursor has been opened, it cannot be reopened unless it is first closed.
  • Fetching from Cursor:
  • Fetch the record from CONTEXT AREA into cursor variable.
  • This fetches 1 row at  time into the cursor variable from the active set.
  • The INTO clause for the query is part of the FETCH statement.
The FETCH statement has two forms:
1)FETCH cursor_name INTO list_of_variables.
2)FETCH cursor_name INTO PL/SQL_record;
  • The list_of_variable is a comma-separated list of previously declared PL/SQL variable, and PL/SQL_record is a previously declared PL/SQL record.
FETCH Empcursor INTO v_emprecord;

Closing a Cursor
  • This tells PL/SQL engine that the program is finished with the cursor, and the resources associated with it can be freed.
  • These resource include the storage used to hold the active set, as well as any temporary space used for determining the active set.
  • The active set can be re-established several times.
    CLOSE <cursor name>;

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