Exception Handling.

Exception Handling:
  • An exception in PL/SQL block is raised during execution of a Block.
  • Once an EXCEPTION arises it terminates the main body of actions performed by the PL/SQL block.
  • A Block always terminates when PL/SQL Raises an Exception.
  • We can specify an exception handler to perform final action.
  • An Exception is raised when an error occurs.
  • In case of an error, normal exception stops and the control is immediately transferred to the exception handling part of the PL/SQL block.


  • Every PL/SQL block can  have only one Exceptional section.
  • If the exception is raised in the executable section of the Block and there is no corresponding handler, the PL/SQL Block terminates with failure.
  • If the exception is handled then PL/SQL Block terminates successfully.

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