Usecase Diagram

Usecase Diagram: 

1) Enquiry:
Primary Actor: Patient
Secondary Actor: Receptionist

  • The patient who is indeed of treatment enters into the hospital and he want the time and schedule of doctor.
  • so, he approach receptionist , receptionist  provide the required details  for the patient.
Flow of events:      
  • The patient enters into hospital. 
  • Ask the receptionist  about the details of the doctor.
  • Receptionist provide  the required details.
Precondition: Patient indeed of treatment.
Post condition: Taking treatment.

2) Appointment:-
Primary Actor: Patient.
Secondary Actor: Receptionist.

  • After enquiring if the patient needs appointment then receptionist provide appointment.
Flow of events:
  • Patient ask the receptionist to fix the appointment.
  • Receptionist check the schedule of the doctor and then fix appointment.
Precondition: The doctor must be free to fix appointment.
Post condition: Can consult the doctor a particular time.

3) Pay Consultancy fee:-
Primary Actor: Patient.
Secondary Actor: Receptionist.

  • To fix appointment patient should pay the consultancy fee. 
  • The receptionist collect the fee.

4) Fill Details:-  
Primary Actor: Patient.
Secondary actor: Receptionist.

  • After paying fee the receptionist provide a form to patient which contain name,age ,gender, address fields.
Precondition: Has to take the form.
Post condition: Meet the doctor.

5) Submit Card:- 
Primary Actor: Nurse.
Secondary Actor: Receptionist.

  • The details form which was filled by user was submitted to the receptionist.
  • Then receptionist give it to nurse. 
  • Nurse submit that form to doctor.
Flow of events:
  • Patient Submit form to receptionist .
  • Receptionist give it to nurse.
  • Nurse submit form to doctor.
Precondition: Fill the form.
Post condition: Gives the priority.

6) Call:- 
Primary Actor: Nurse.
Secondary Actor: Patient.

  • All detail forms of patients are placed in a queue before doctor.
  • Doctor call the patient when their turn came.
Flow of events:
  • When a particular patient turn came then doctor informs to nurse.
  • Nurse call that particular patient.
Pre condition: Patient wait for doctor.
Post condition: Patient went to doctors room.

7) Problem Explanation:-  
Primary Actor: Patient.
Secondary Actor: Doctor.

  • The patient enters doctor room and explains his problem. 
  • Doctor  listens to patient.
Precondition: If patient had a problem. 
Post condition: Doctor diagonizses.

8) Tests:-  
Primary Actor: Lab Technician.
Secondary actor: Patient.

  • Doctor listens to the patient problem and suggest tests and scans if any. 
  • For tests and scans the patient must go to laboratory  their lab technicians conduct tests  suggested by the doctor.
Flow of events:
  • Doctor listen to patient problems.
  • Suggest test and scans if required.
  • Tests are conducted by lab tecnician.
  • Patient undergone tests in the lab.
Precondition: Doctor should suggest tests.
Postcondition: Reports are provided by lab technician.

8) Reports:-
Primary Actor: Lab Technician.
Secondary Actor: Patient.

  • The lab technician give reports to the patient, patient submit them to doctor.
Precondition: No.
Post condition: Treatment for the  problem.

9) Treatment:-
Primary Actor: Doctor.
Secondary Actor: Patient.

  • According to the results of the tests  doctor will give treatment to the patient .
Precondition: Has to know the problem.
Post condition: Patient cure from disease.

10) prescription:-
Primary Actor: Doctor.
Secondary Actor: Patient.

  • Based on patients problem and reports doctor will give prescription.
Precondition: Doctor diagonization is completed.
Post condition: Out of hospital.

11) Out:- 
Primary Actor: Patient.
Secondary Actor: No.

  • After taking taking treatment  leave the hospital.
Pre Condition: There is no need of patient to join in hospital.
Post Condition: No.

Primary Actor: Patient.
Secondary Actor: Nurse.

  • The patient need to inform to nurse when doctor suggested him to join in hospital. 
  • Then nurse register his details.
Flow of events:
  • Doctor suggest patient to join.
  • Patient inform to nurse.
  • Nurse take details of patient to register and allot him a room.
Precondition: When there is need for a patient to join in hospital.
Post condition: Taking long time treatment.

13) Admit:-

Primary Actor: Patient
Secondary Actor: No

  • After registration the patient join in hospital with requirements.
Precondition: Patient accepts to join in the hospital
Post condition: Shift to room which is allotted.

14) Check Up:-
Primary Actor: Doctor.
Secondary Actor: Patient.

  • After joining in hospital doctor check up the patient  every day when he came to rounds and give treatment.
Precondition: Doctor should attend to rounds.
Post condition: Cure disease.

15) Bill:-
Primary Actor: Patient.
Secondary Actor: Receptionist.

  • After the treatment is completed doctor issue the bill. 
  • Patient pay bill at the counter, receptionist collect it.
Precondition: Bill should be calculated.
Postcondition: Hospital receives the money.

16) Discharge:-
Primary Actor: Patient.
Secondary Actor: No.

  • The doctor  discharge the patient after he pays the bill.
  • Precondition:patient gets cured from the disease.

=>Usecase Diagram.
=>Activity Diagram.
=>Sequence Diagram.
=>Collaboration Diagram.
=>Class Diagram.
=>State Chart Diagram.
=>Stimulus Response Diagram.

About the author

Donec non enim in turpis pulvinar facilisis. Ut felis. Praesent dapibus, neque id cursus faucibus. Aenean fermentum, eget tincidunt.


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