Using the Conceptual Cohesion of Classes (C3) for Fault Prediction in Object-Oriented Systems

Using the Conceptual Cohesion of Classes (C3) for Fault Prediction in Object-Oriented Systems
High cohesion is desirable property in software systems to achieve reusability and maintainability. In this project we are measures for cohesion in Object-Oriented (OO) software reflect particular interpretations of cohesion and capture different aspects of it. In existing approaches the cohesion is calculate from the structural information for example method attributes and references. In conceptual cohesion of classes, i.e. in our project we are calculating the unstructured information from the source code such as comments and identifiers. Unstructured information is embedded in the source code. To retrieve the unstructured information from the source code Latent Semantic Indexing is used. A large case study on three open source software systems is presented which compares the new measure with an extensive set of existing metrics and uses them to construct models that predict software faults. In our project we are achieving the high cohesion and we are predicting the fault in Object –Oriented Systems.
Existing Systems:
1. Structural metrics are calculated from the source code such as references and data sharing between methods of a class belong together for cohesion.
2. It define and measure relationships among the methods of a class based on the number of pairs of methods that share instance or class variables one way or another for cohesion. 
Lacking of  high cohesion

Proposed Systems
1. In proposed System unstructural information is retrieved from the source code like comments and identifiers.
2. Information is retrieved from the source code using Latent Semantic Indexing.
3. With the help of C3 and existing metrics we are achieving the high cohesion and low coupling.
We can predict the fault prediction using high cohesion

System Requirements:
Hardware Requirements:
PROCESSOR           :     PENTIUM III 866 MHz
RAM :     128 MB DD RAM
MONITOR               :     15” COLOR
HARD DISK             :     20 GB
FLOPPY DRIVE      :     1.44 MB
CDDRIVE :     LG 52X
KEYBOARD           :     STANDARD 102 KEYS
MOUSE                 :     3 BUTTONS
Software Requirements:           
LANGUAGE                       :     JAVA
FRONT-END TOOL           :     SWING

About the author

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