Introduction to RATIONAL ROSE.

Introduction to RATIONAL ROSE:
  • Rational Rose is a software where the UML can be model. 
  • Here, Rational is the name of the software, ROSE stands for Rational Object Software Engineering.
  • To draw the UML Diagram in Rational Rose:
  • Step 1: Start Rational software, in that Rational Rose Enterprise Edition. 
  • After that Rational Rose Enterprise Edition will be activated. 
  • The Rational Rose window contains 5 parts.
         1. View Table.
         2. Diagram Tool Bar.
         3. Diagram Window.
         4. Message Window.
         5. Log Window.
1. View Table:
  • It contains:
     a. Use case view.
     b. Logical view.
     c. Component view.
     d. Deployment view.

a. Use case view:   
In this view we can draw two diagrams:
     1. Use case diagram.
     2. Activity Diagram.
Steps to draw diagram:

  1. Select use case view and then right click on use case view.
  2. Select New, in that select use case/activity diagram.
  3. Name the diagram.
  4. After double clicking on the diagram name, the corresponding use case/activity will be opened. 
  5. We can draw the diagram by drag and drop the components of the corresponding diagram.

b. Logical view:    
  • In this view we can model:
     a. Class diagram.
     b. Sequence diagram.
     c. Collaboration diagram.
     d. State Chart diagram.
To draw the diagram:

  1. Select logical view and then right click on the logical view.
  2. Select new in that select class/ state chart/ sequence diagram.
  3. Name the diagram.
  4. After double clicking on the diagram name, the corresponding diagram will be opened. 
  5. We can draw the diagram by drag and drop the components of the corresponding diagram.

c. Component view:    
  • In this view we can model:
    a. Component Diagram.
To draw the diagram:
  1. Select component view and then click on the component view.
  2. Select New, in that select component diagram.
  3. Name the diagram.
  4. After double clicking on the diagram, the corresponding diagram will be opened.
  5. We can draw diagram by drag and drop the components of corresponding diagrams.

2. Diagram Tool Bar:
  • This can contain the tools of the corresponding diagram in which we are going to draw.
3. Diagram Window:
  • In this window we can draw the diagram.
4. Message Window:
  • It contains the message of documentation of the corresponding diagram.
5. Log Window:
  • This is the place where the errors can be displayed when we are drawing the diagram.

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